The FIP Global Pharmaceutical Observatory (FIP GPO) is a window into the world of pharmacy, serving as an invaluable data repository to access validated global data on the pharmacy workforce, practice, and pharmaceutical science.
There are currently over 60 healthcare observatories functioning throughout the world. These observatories, including those hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Office for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), gather, analyse, synthesise, and share reliable and quality health information on population health and health services.
In a similar way, the FIP GPO collates, analyses, and stores pharmaceutical data and intelligence
across education/workforce, practice, and science. This means FIP can produce and share evidence
and knowledge by analysis and synthesis of our data and intelligence. Furthermore, we can support
advocacy through our networks and ensure the effective use of such evidence and knowledge that informs policy and decision-making. It also enables us to produce evidence of the impact of the
profession globally.
The term ‘observatory’ refers to the function of monitoring the pharmaceutical workforce/education, practice and science together with trends, using standardised, objective and verifiable methods. The FIP GPO was originally established in 2012 as a workforce observatory.
More recently, it has evolved into the areas of practice and science as well. The goal of the FIP GPO
is to support the wider FIP Mission, which is to support global health by enabling the advancement
of pharmaceutical practice, sciences and education based on evidence and data which enables: