FIP Data and Intelligence Commission

Data and Intelligence Commission

The commission provides strategic advice to FIP on the advocacy and delivery of the GPO project, focusing on the achievement of the vision and the strategic objectives through member engagement. It is chaired by Robert Sindelar, professor and dean emeritus of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canada. Members of the commission who have been selected to ensure that the GPO has regional applicability and sectoral relevance and who together provide a breadth of experience globally are as follows:

1-Tracey Thornley (FIP Board of Pharmaceutical Practice)
2- Josep M Guiu (FIP Board of Pharmaceutical Practice)
3- Charlotte Rossing (FIP Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
4- Carl Schneider (FIP Education)
5- Paul Gallagher (FIP Education)
6- Al Carter (FIP Regulators Advisory Group)
7- Paul Fahey (FIP Technology Advisory Group)
8- Dennis Sena Awitty (African Pharmaceutical Forum)
9- Prosper Hiag (African Pharmaceutical Forum)
10- Lorena Quiros (Pharmaceutical Forum of the Americas)
11- Virginia Olmos (Pharmaceutical Forum of the Americas)
12- Ayman Noreddin (Eastern Mediterranean Pharmaceutical Forum)
13- Nadia Al Mazrouei (Eastern Mediterranean Pharmaceutical Forum)
14- John Jackson (Western Pacific Pharmaceutical Forum)
15- Leonila Ocampo (Western Pacific Pharmaceutical Forum)
16- Rao V.S.V. Vadlamudi (South East Asia Region Pharmaceutical Forum)
17- Andi Hermansyah (South East Asia Region Pharmaceutical Forum)
18- Mark Koziols (FIP member organisations in Europe)
19- Ka-Chun Cheung (FIP member organisations in Europe)
20- Sylvester Adeyemi (FIP Early Career Pharmaceutical Group ? Africa)
21- Stephanie Hwang (FIP Early Career Pharmaceutical Group ? America)
22- Renly Lim (FIP Early Career Pharmaceutical Group ? Western Pacific)
23- Dwi Prasetyaningsih Rahmawati (FIP Early Career Pharmaceutical Group ? South East Asia)
24- Karolina Miljak (FIP Early Career Pharmaceutical Group ? Europe)
25- Rafa Al Khalifa (FIP Early Career Pharmaceutical Group ? Eastern Mediterranean)

Recommendation from the Commission related to developing a needs-based data-driven culture