

The FIP Global Pharmaceutical Observatory acts as a global data hub to inform the advocacy work of our members and partners.

The work of the FIP GPO is fundamental to delivering FIP?s vision of a world where everyone benefits from access to safe, effective, quality and affordable medicines and health technologies, as well as from pharmaceutical care services provided by pharmacists, in collaboration with other healthcare professionals.

Benefits include:

– Data collection, validation, analysis, and interpretation that lead to impactful outputs;
– Evidence-based reports and intelligence for member organisations and partner organisations;
– Support for data collection and analysis across FIP;
– Enabling collaborative working – bringing nations and organisations together to deliver transformational projects;
– Benchmarking and comparative analysis globally, regionally and nationally.

Our vision is to become the most comprehensive and respected source of data and intelligence on the pharmacy workforce, pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical science worldwide. We provide a window on the work and impact of the global pharmaceutical community wherever you are.

Our mission is to effectively and efficiently collate and validate global data on pharmacy workforce, practice, and pharmaceutical science. We undertake comprehensive analyses and provide accessible, high-quality intelligence that supports our member organisations in their work. We communicate this innovatively, thereby promoting our member organisations? contribution to health. We provide evidence-based strategic information, reports, and guidance on the application of pharmaceutical science, policies, practices, and services.